Golf is the greatest game there is out there! Or at least that’s what we believe. But did you know that there are multiple ways of playing it? Throughout the years, players became creative and started inventing fun ways to play it. Whether you are playing alone or with friends, here are the main ways to enjoy the beautiful game of Golf.
Match play
Players compete against each other hole by hole. The player with the lower score on each hole wins the hole. You win the match when you are winning by more holes than remain to be played. For example, if you are 4 up after 15 holes played, you are the winner since your opponent can not win anymore (3 holes to play = 3 points to win, but you’re already 4 up).
Stroke play
Players compete against each other to see who can complete the round with the lowest total score. Handicaps are used to level the playing field between players of different skill levels. We will write an article about how to calculate your handicap (easy way and official way) later on.
Players earn points on each hole based on their score relative to par and their handicap. Let’s take the example of a scratch golfer, points are as follows:
- Eagle: 4 points
- Birdie: 3 points
- Par: 2 point
- Bogey: 1 point
- Double-bogey and +: 0 point
The player with the most points at the end of the round wins. The goal is to make 36 points or more.
Teams of two or four players compete against each other to see who can complete the round with the lowest score. On each hole, each player hits a tee shot. The team then chooses the best tee shot, and all players hit their second shots from that spot. The process continues until the ball is holed. The team with the lowest score at the end of the round wins.
Alternate shot/Foursome
Teams of two players compete against each other to see who can complete the round with the lowest score. The players alternate hitting shots on each hole until the ball is holed. The team with the lowest score at the end of the round wins.
Teams of two players compete against each other to see who can complete the round with the lowest combined score. Each player plays their own ball for each hole, and the best score for each hole is counted for the team. The team with the lowest combined score wins at the end of the round.
In addition to these basic formulas, golfers can play many other variations.
Six-Point Game
Each hole is worth six points, and the player with the lowest score on each hole wins all six points. The player with the most points at the end of the round wins.
Each hole is worth nine points, and the points are awarded as follows:
- Winner: 5 points
- Second place: 3 points
- Third place: 1 point
Yellow Ball
Two players play each hole with one yellow ball. The player with the yellow ball gets double points for their score on that hole. If the yellow ball is lost, it is out of play for the next three holes.
Each player is assigned a quota for each score category (bogey, par, birdie, eagle). For example, a player might have a quota of two bogeys, three pars, one birdie, and no eagles. The player with the lowest total score difference between their actual score and their quota wins.
Golf is more than just the golf course, you can also enjoy the game playing on an indoor golf simulator, playing street golf, or even disc golf.
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