About Us

Founded in January 2024, Screengolfers is the #1 search engine for indoor golf. Imagine finding the perfect indoor golf venue near you in an instant! Effortlessly search among over 1000 public golf simulator places in the USA for free, all from the comfort of your computer, tablet or phone.

Our vision

Onboarding new players is a big challenge due to numerous barriers: exclusivity, budget, rules, etiquette, time constraints, and especially the technicality of golf, which has the reputation of being “the hardest game in the world” (quote from former PGA Tour star Ben Crenshaw).

That’s why we believe so much in indoor golf. The discipline is, in our opinion, one of the best opportunities for golf to attract more players: it’s more inclusive, more affordable, and especially more convenient.

When we started studying the virtual golf market, we noticed something was missing. Searching online for an indoor golf place near you is not easy: information is scattered and sometimes outdated, and user experience quality is highly variable.

Enter Screengolfers.com . After agreeing on a name, we combined our skills and experience in the software and digital marketing industry to build the best platform that indoor and future golfers deserve.

Our mission

We aim to connect golfers with the best indoor golf facilities worldwide, providing the most precise and up-to-date information.

The aggregator model has become the norm for everything we experience, including hotels, cars, planes, restaurants, and activities.

Join us in our mission to build and deliver the best search engine for indoor golf simulators, where every venue from every country will be listed in one place.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to find out about new features and products we’re launching.